Monday, August 17, 2009



Such a short word with such an fulfilling promise. A word that seems so certain, predestined in fact. But for what, for whom, and for how long. The latter being the most consequential mystery of all.

The hesitancy that can come with not knowing what lies ahead can overtake our ability to really enjoy the present, a time that is blooming with possibilities. Opportunities can be overlooked if we aren't remembering the blessings that stand before us. Our gratefulness abounds when we step back and recognize what gifts we have received. Those gifts can take the shape of anything such as a moment, a setting, a relationship, or the most familiar, a person.

The most significant gift Jay and I have ever received was a beautiful baby girl named Abigail Jane. Whose life was so uncertain from the very beginning, yet predestined and no doubt fulfilling a promise. God vowed to change our lives forever and to make us stronger than we ever thought we could be. And she did just that, by making us so blessedly happy with just one squeeze of our finger. Her unyielding strength inspired us to face the unknown in life and enjoy the entire ride.

Her breath was taken away one year ago today, but her life will echo between the hearts she touched forever. Join us in remembering Abigail Jane...


  1. I am sitting crying my eyes out - what a beautiful tribute to our little angel. She was here with us such a short time but the joy she brought and the impact she made on our lives will endure forever. We miss you Abigail.

  2. That was a beautiful and touching tribute to Abigail Jane. She is missed by all that had the pleasure to meet her and even those that read her story through these blogs. She was a miracle and I feel so blessed that I got to hold her in my arms as much as I did. I am thinking of the entire family today and most of all thinking of you Abigail. Love you all.

  3. Abigail Jane will always be remembered.... A beautiful video for a beautiful life

  4. I am in tears, what a beautiful tribute to such a sweet little girl. Abigail touched us all and she will never be forgotten. We all have to go forward in her honor and in her memory and "Dream Big".

    Melissa Yassini

  5. She is in my heart forever. She was truly an inspiration... and so are you and Jay. Beautiful writing by a beautiful girl, about a beautiful girl. I love you.

  6. Abigail Jane was a sweet little angel!
